Two small updates come forth this week!
Firstly, our club callsign changed to KC5RNJ fron WD4HAM. This was a club decision made at an Emergency Meeting and voted apon by several members. This callsign used to belong to Chris Hadfield, the leading commander on the International Space Station. WW4WWW and WX4ATL both took him as a large inspiration for creativity, intellegence, and brilliance.
Secondly, our club repeater after months of work and spending is on the air! The assets of hardware are shared between WW4WWW and WX4ATL, and the repeater services central Sandhill Community. More details can be found on the repeaters tab.
WD4HAM Repeater Project Initiated
With private work between WW4WWW and KO4LIW, we are working privately to construct a repeater for the club's and public's benefit. We are (currently) in the stage of contacting SERA to be assigned a frequency pair in our region, with hopes of being assigned a VHF frequency pair, but if the terms call for it, we will accept a UHF pair. We hope to recieve the news soon to help with the future of this project. More info may be found at the Projects tab at the top of this website.
Announcement from arid vice president
Good morning, everyone.
Tonight I will be trying to partly host our semi-annual vote of the members of the Five Essential Positions digitally. Prior to this, I have a few words to say, though.
Firstly, if you would like to apply for any of the Five Essential Positions, you still can apply here:
If you have applied to this, and have changed your mind, just mention that you abstain from applying for that position to the secretary any time prior to the actual vote. You can contact the secretary at or call/text at +1 (470) 869-2743.
Secondly, in light of how the world seems to be falling apart many days now, I wanted to share some words:
Pillars of light are built off of hope, inspiration, and continuity of compassion. When things fall apart in the world, the most bold thing one individual can do is try to carry on words with life, and try to keep normality. When conflicts arise, we need to build past the boundaries that seem monumental to the occasion. Undoubtedly, this is something very difficult to do, and it said way easier than done. With the pandemic that seems to never end, and the conflict arising in the Russo – Ukrainian war right now, these values and hopes diminish, but holding true to these values will unequivocally bring light back, someday. I have faith that things will be brought back to normality, but we have to keep pushing. Don’t let glimmers of light burn out.
Lastly, I wanted to announce I am abstaining from reapplying, and subsequently stepping down from the Vice Presidential position. I am having to start college very soon, I have videography projects I need to focus on, and I of course have work that keeps inevitably taking too many days out of my availability as it is. As much of a difficult decision as it to do this, I need to focus on what I need to be a successful individual in life, and I feel someone else would be more fit and ready for this position in the near future. And as such, I want, in my true and honest opinion, to let this position go to KD4DRR, as he is a founding member of ARID and truly understands the goals and aspirations for the club.
Lastly, when voting, I want you, the individual, to remember the goal of this club at hand. “Our common goal for this dichotomy is to both preserve the common art of amateur radio operation, by using standard and basic methods of communication, whilst revolutionizing the way people use amateur radio, bringing new member interest, and using new modes of communication.”
Thank you, and 73.
Blake Ross
Amateur Radio Interest Dichotomy
Vice President
ARID has been listed as an ARRL affifliated club, as of 12/17/2021. We are very happy with this progress, and are planning on expanding our reach. Thank you for all your support!
ARID has just put in our application for ARRL affiliation! If you would like to learn more, you may visit the ARRL website here.
ARID has now been assigned a new callsign - KO4VDU - by the FCC as of today, after an application was submitted! As of today, the club is now recognized by the FCC as a legitimate club. Our in person meeting this coming sunday (12/5/2021) will include this topic where we go over details of how to use it. Congratulations to ARID, this is a big beginning step towards something much greater!
Please be safe in your possible journeys and travels, and have a wonderful weekend!
Today, ARID has put in a submission to recieve a license for ARID club operations, with hopes that it will be approved, and to help in the futhering of legitimacy for our club!
ARID passed a suggestion on the Emergency Meeting on 11/18/2021 for us to start work on becoming affiliated with the ARRL as a club, which will help facilitate many benefits to our club and members. If you would like to learn more, you may visit the ARRL website here.